On Election Day and it’s not good. Unethical. Or else there will be never be peace in the Philippine Olympic Committee. This is your chance now that you have won to reform yourselves, reach out to those who did not vote for you and hopefully, become the leader in sports this country has been looking for.
After more than forty years in the POC, longer than most of you, I have been waiting for this day when the POC can finally be truly united.
Now, you have that rare chance to do it. Shape up and start promoting everybody else, not just yourself. Ask yourself why a lot of associations did not also vote for you and why someone still challenged you for the position. If you believe you’re that good, you should have run unchallenged. Right? Start giving credit to the two super athletes and their National Associations that worked so hard for many many years to produce the three Olympic golds in Tokyo and Paris. Not you. Or else PBBM and former Pres Digong can just claim the same without lifting a finger. Give credit where credit is due. That’s why these two winning Associations did not go with your team in the recent POC election. Discern and search where you have gone wrong and reach out to the beaten team.
We have been friends in the past for many years and hope you listen to this brotherly advise. Except for Steve Hontiveros, I’ve been blessed to be in the POC much longer than most of you. Gen Rene Cruz, Gov Sering, Cristy Ramos Jalasco, Cito Dayrit, Cong Peping Cojuangco and Ricky Vargas. More than six years as Commissioner in the Phil Sports Commission and more than four years as Chairman in the Phil Olympic Committee, gives me enough reason to appeal for your turn around and reconciliation, if you truly want to be known as the peacemaker of POC after all these years.
Look what’s happening to the Dutertes now. Learn from history. Do not depend on people who have personal gripes to grind and use you in the POC. Time to be Christian, not only because Christmas is just around the corner, but to finally bury all these animosities within the POC. We used to be together and friends for years and I believe you can do this. Bury this perennial problem within the group. Or else, Unity will never be attained in the POC.
Choose the right people beside you, not just because you pay them or enjoy travelling with you around the world in conventions, but those who can help you reach out in peace with those who do not respect you up to now. Look around you. Or you will end up as just one of us. Not the real leader we need. Give Chito Loyzaga a position to start with, even if he will not accept it. That’s one of the signs for maturity. Some people want this “war” to continue believing they won, but they actually did not. They’re the real losers. Sports is unity. Not personal vengence or getting ones revenge.
I may not be around for long, but as God wills it. For some of us, this still remains our dream. Kaya mo yan. Only then can you claim “mabuhay ang Pilipinas.” Do not walk ahead of me, I may not follow. Do not walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me, and BE MY FRIEND.