Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting
The Board of DXS International plc (“the Company” or “DXSP”), the AQSE Growth Market quoted healthcare information and digital clinical decision support systems provider, is pleased to announce that its Annual General Meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday 19th December at Noon at Elm House, Tanshire Park, Shackleford Road. Elstead, Surrey GU8 6LB.
For further information in relation to the AGM, shareholders should refer to the Notice of Annual General Meeting and the AGM Letter which have been despatched to shareholders. Copies of these documents, along with the Company’s Annual Report for the year ended 30 April 2024, are available for download from the Company’s website https://www.dxs-systems.co.uk/corporate-documents.php
The Directors of DXS International plc accept responsibility for this announcement. This announcement contains information which, prior to its disclosure, was inside information as stipulated under Regulation 11 of the Market Abuse (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019/310 (as amended).
David Immelman
DXS International plc
01252 719800AQSE Corporate Broker and Corporate Advisor
Hybridan LLP
Claire Louise Noyce
020 3764 2341 Notes to Editors
About DXS:
DXS International presents up to date treatment guidelines and recommendations, from Clinical Commissioning Groups and other trusted NHS sources, to doctors, nurses and pharmacists in their workflow and during the patient consultation. This effective clinical decision support ultimately translates to improved healthcare outcomes delivered more cost effectively and which should significantly contribute towards the NHS achieving its projected efficiency savings.