SPENDING on infrastructure and other capital outlays rose in September, data from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) showed.

Following the directives to boost spending for economic growth, infrastructure expenditures climbed to P137.1 billion in September, up 16.9 percent from P117.3 billion a year earlier.

The increase was primarily driven by payments for completed road and bridge projects by the Department of Public Works and Highways and the implementation of foreign-assisted projects by the Department of Transportation.

Capital outlays under the Department of National Defense’s Revised Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Program also contributed to the increase.

For the nine-month period, infrastructure and capital outlays rose 14.6 percent to P881.9 billion from the year-earlier P857.6 billion.

Overall government spending was at P572.9 billion in September, a P66.6-billion or 13.1-percent increase compared to the same month last year.

The uptick, driven by higher expenditures on personnel services, infrastructure projects, and maintenance activities, reflects the government’s commitment to economic recovery and growth, the DBM said.

Year to date, meanwhile, disbursements reached P4.26 trillion by the end of September, up by P441.8 billion or 11.6 percent.

The figure slightly exceeded the programmed P4.22 trillion for the period, with the overperformance largely attributed to accelerated infrastructure spending.

As of the end of September, allotment releases also exceeded the original P5.77 trillion obligation program, mainly due to continuing and automatic appropriations and additional releases under unprogrammed appropriations.

However, P256 billion in unused funds remains, including P67.5 billion from department budgets, P93.1 billion from special purpose funds and P95.4 billion from automatic appropriations.

“The release of these items is subject to the submission of special budget requests and corresponding documentary requirements by the concerned agencies for evaluation of the DBM,” the department said.

To ensure that spending supports economic and fiscal goals for this year, Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman issued Circular Letter 2024-145 last month.

Agencies were reminded to submit requests for additional disbursement and obligation authorities by Nov. 15, 2024, as outlined in National Budget Circular 5926.

“The deadline provides reasonable time for the DBM to evaluate such requests and for the line agencies to comply with additional requirements if needed to ensure that funds are released and utilized before the year ends,” Pangandaman said.

Requests for mandatory or urgent expenditures such as those for disaster mitigation are exempted from the cut-off date.
