THE National Electrification Administration (NEA) on Saturday said construction of the 3.18-megawatt Mawo Hydroelectric Power Plant in Northern Samar has begun.

The plant, which will utilize the San Isidro Mawo River to provide power to households and businesses within the franchise area of Northern Samar Electric Cooperative (Norsamelco), is targeted to operate by Jan. 1, 2028.

A joint venture between the Energy & Building Applications Technologies Corp. (Ebatech) and Norsamelco, the plant is being built in Barangay Happy Valley, San Isidro, Northern Samar.

Once operational, the plant is projected to reduce power generation costs passed on to members, consumers, and owners of Norsamelco by P0.4482 per kilowatt hour, equivalent to P84,005,474 in annual rates. It is likewise expected to boost vital energy assets of the Catarman-based electric cooperative.

NEA said the Securities and Exchange Commission has issued certificates of incorporation to the Ebatech-Norsamelco Energy Corporation, which authorizes the operation of the power plant, with Norsamelco having a 20-percent ownership stake.
