THE Benguet State University College of Teacher Education (BSU-CTE) in La Trinidad, Benguet inked a memorandum of agreement (MoA) with the King’s College of the Philippines College of Teacher Education (KCP-CTE) on academic partnership on Oct. 28, 2024, according to BSU President Felipe Comila, PhD.
Comila and KCP President Aejin Kwon signed the MoA to foster scholarly collaboration, faculty development and student exchange, strengthening ties between the two institutions.
Likewise, BSU inked a MoA with the Partners for Indigenous Knowledge Philippines, Inc. (PIKP) on the promotion of Indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) at the BSU Research and Extension Everlasting Hall on Oct. 29, 2024.
Comila and PIKP Chairman Vicky Macay led the MoA signing with BSU VP for Research and Extension Roscinto Ian Lumbres and PIKP Executive Director Jacqueline Cariño serving as witnesses.
Under the agreement, “PIKP and BSU will collaborate on research initiatives focused on IKS and capacity-building efforts to document and promote indigenous knowledge among students, educators, and indigenous youth. Additionally, the partner institutions plan to hold seminars, fora, exchanges, workshops, storytelling, and other activities and share resources on IKS and practices to promote indigenous knowledge.”
BSU is nestled in the heart of La Trinidad, Benguet, the strawberry capital of the Philippines.
It started as the La Trinidad Farm School with 30 grade 5 pupils in 1916. The Farm School expanded its services and heightened its prominence in La Trinidad.
At present, BSU is awarded SUC Level 4, the highest category in the SUC leveling classification of state universities and colleges (SUCs) by the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd).
The College of Teacher Education is one of the five colleges of KCP, which manifests its growth and development.
It endeavors to produce well-rounded academicians with technical, pedagogical and research skills to address the challenges of diverse educational settings and engage in lifelong learning.
Its mission is to produce globally competent Christian educators ingrained with Christian values and with high regard for human dignity, culture and the environment.
Meanwhile, PIKP is a learning network of organizations, Indigenous knowledge holders, researchers, writers, artists, advocates, and communities in the Philippines working to promote and strengthen Indigenous knowledge.
PIKP and its partners aim to contribute to greater recognition of Indigenous wisdom, the rights of Indigenous peoples to lands, territories, and resources, and Indigenous peoples’ contributions to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
PIKP is a member and Secretariat of the Centers of Distinction on Indigenous and Local Knowledge, a global network composed of more than 14 Indigenous networks and institutions around the world championing Indigenous and local knowledge as vital for nature, and its linkages to people.